Earn as you Flex.
Learn at your Pace.

On Otaksi Connect platform, you can earn by sharing your skills. Or learn an additional/new skill by enrolling to any of the numerous courses available.

Providing an Avenue for Tutors to Teach and Gain, and Individuals to Learn and Progress.

It is also in Otaksi Connect’s agenda to transform the condition of our Nigerian youth, especially those who are already into entrepreneurship, by providing them with an avenue that will enable them to create a series of their business in the form of recorded video, which can then be uploaded on Otaksi Connect’s, AI Powered platform, and then be readily available (at an affordable price) for those interested to learn the same.

Get Started

Your AI Powered Online Courses Platform

Benefit from numerous courses uploaded on Otaksi Connect’s Aritificial Intelligent platform, to help you learn new skills and stand-alone, or update your portfolio at workplace.


The Benefits

free access
Free Enrollment for First 100 Students

Be among the first 100 students to enroll to any of the courses with Otaksi, and enjoy this amazing benefit.

lifetime access
Life Time Access

Enroll to any of the courses on our platform and and enjoy a lifetime acess to resourcefull materials.

Downloadable Resources

All courses on our platform come with downloadable materials in diferent file formats for your personal use.

Full Money Back Guaranteed

If you wish to cancel any of the course purchase made, you can do so within 7days of your enrollment.

Make Enquiry

Do you need any assistance or clarification? Our dedicated team is happy and ready to help you