Get Connected with the Right Medical Consultant, as Health is Wealth.

Otaksi Coneect have also affiliate with award winning hospitals, to provide you with standard health care service.

Grab your Opportunity For Genuine Health Care Connections

Otaksi Connect is with no doubt you best option when seeking for medical attention in the abroad, as we have allied with numerous health institutions (hospitals and clinics), that can provide you with the most efficient medical treatment. Connecting with us for your Health concerns will ensure every aspect of the deal goes perfect.

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Our International Health Care Connection Features

We partnered with modern and reliable health care institutions, to provide you with the best an most appropriate health service. The service is FREE of charge and Otaksi shall stand responsible for all Visa application processes. Plus provision of aid (if need be) in the aspects of flight, accommodation, etc.


About Our Health Care Connection

Our health care connection service gives you chance to connect with the most must suitable and specialised hospitals. It also guarantees that you get checked, treated or diagnosed by the right specialist on the right time. Know more about the service below.

health care

The Service Features

Standard Hospitals

Once you avail this feature, you are undoubtedly getting connected with well established and standardized hospitals.

Qualified Doctors

The fact of you being diagnosed by specialised dosctors is 100% assured, as all affiliated hospitals are in developed countries.

easy process
Easy Process

The process of your health connection comes without hassle nor stress. Its as smooth as possible with the help of the AI integrated features.

free connection
No Connection Fee

You need not to pay a single penny for your health care connection via Otaksi.

Make Enquiry

Do you need any assistance or clarification? Our dedicated team is happy and ready to help you