Otaksi is a Multi-Industrial Agency, Providing Reliable Services in IT, Education, Business, Health Care, Logistics & Agricultural Markets.

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About Us

As a multi-industrial agency, Otaksi Connect serves as a hub for interconnection and consultation. With our AI (artificial intelligence) integrated system, Otaksi Connect is looking to serving over 1000 users on our platform everyday!

The name ‘Otaksi’ is a combination of two words Otak and Si. Otak meaning ‘brain’. And ‘Si’, which is the short form for ‘Sinir’ means ‘neurons’-which collectively refer to Artificial neural network in computer science.

The ANN help computers to make computational decisions with less of human interaction.

The fact that the company will be aiming at providing an avenue for different entities to come together for mutual benefit, is the reason why the company name is having the ‘connect’ extension, which is very much possible with our AI oriented platform.

Our Qualities

good team

Our high spirit team members and staff make it possible for us to accomplish tasks efficiently and timely.

artificial intelligence

Otaksi Connect platform is integrated with Artificial Intelligence features, to aid connections and facilitate computations.

qualified staff

We work with a team of well trained and capable staff, that are knowledgable and have obtained vast experience in their respective fields.


In order to provide reliable connections and deals, Otaksi Connect choose only the best and trusted partners as our affiliates.

good deals

Our trusted and reliable partners make it possible for us to provide guaranteed deals to our clients and customers.

Our Mission

The problem that the company is aiming at solving include international admission and business connections, youth empowerment through skill acquisition, and to become an access point for nuemrous IT service rendering– including web and software development, UX/UI research design, graphics design and more.

We are Value Driven

We believe in a future that is automated and data-driven, which is why we have chosen to work in a machine-friendly and streamlined data format. Our ambition is to future-proof your business by making it easy for you to take advantage of modern technologies such as AI and machine learning.

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value team

Meet the Team

Engr. Dr. Farouq Sadik Bashir
PhD., M.Sc., B.Sc., Computer Science
CEO & Chairman Otaksi

I am expertised in leveraging data-driven strategies to create value for clients, through my strong proficiency in AI, machine learning, deep learning, and big data technologies.

Engr. Abba Umar
B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering
Project Manager Otaksi

You can relay on our amazing features list and also our customer services will be great experience.

Pharm. Faiza Himasa
M.Sc., B.Sc., Pharmacy
Digital Marketer Otaksi

A talented, experienced, and goal driven digital marketer with a passion for creating effective marketing campaigns via content creation, social media advertising, email marketing, and data analytics.